It is a good technique when a patient arrives at a doctor or a health facility while holding the VeriDoc Global protected International Health Card. It assists the appointed medical personnel in scanning the QR Code on the International Health Care card. As a result, they have access to the patient's medical history. Each visit is eventually determined and recorded files of a certain patient. Similarly, all logins recorded in the health cards are regularly updated and have a GPS location record.
The medical staff can also enter real-time medical data, genomes, pictures, and other important information into the patients' history. As a result, it remains secure on the blockchain solution thanks to the VeriDoc Solution.
The solution assists health authorities and governments in locating appropriate therapies, which is beneficial in the case of the Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, and Influenza viruses. This allows organisations to track all elements of treatment and movement of people in areas affected by these diseases in real time. In this instance, the International Health Card is quite important.
Because of blockchain implemented solutions, the appropriate authorities might limit access to pertinent data and information to medical staff.
Coronavirus solution, in collaboration with VeriDoc Global, has done an outstanding job in designing a Patented Solution based on Blockchain Technology. It is intended to play a critical role as a platform for true differentiation in the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Ebola, MERS, and Influenza viruses.